Events for April 24 - November 10

Porch Sign Craft

Tell City Public Library 2328 Tell Street, Tell City, IN, United States

Join us with instructor Jennifer Brown for an evening of crafting! $30 per person, with a class limit of 10 people. Sign-up at the Perry County Public Library-Tell City!


23rd Annual Chamber Annual Awards Dinner

Schergens Center 1140 31st St, Tell City, IN, United States

We are thrilled to remind you that the time has come to RSVP for the 23rd Annual Chamber Business Awards. This special event will take place on Thursday, June 20th, […]


After Work Summer Solstice Celebration

Paddle Perry hosts the Annual After Work Summer Solstice Social Paddle on  the Ohio River Conducted in Partnership with the ACA (American Canoe Association) Reservations:  - Please register! Follow the Paddle Perry Facebook page for additional information and sign up, or sign up online at the link above for updates regarding river and weather […]

Children’s Exhibition

Tell City Regional Arts 1020 11th Street, Tell City, IN, United States

Our next Gallery Exhibition is for the talented children in our community! Art drop off is TOMORROW between 9am-7pm at 1020 11th Street, Suite A, Tell City. Showcase your Little's […]

Kids Artisan Showcase and Market

Tell City Regional Arts 1020 11th Street, Tell City, IN, United States

Join us on our debut of the Children's Exhibition in the Tell City Regional Arts gallery! All youth entrepreneurs that craft and create to set up a booth at this […]

Event Series Winzerwald Wein Jams

Winzerwald Wein Jams

Winzerwald Winery 26300 North Indian Lake Road, Bristow, IN, United States

Join us for our Wein Jams Live concert series every Saturday and Sunday, 12-3 pm Central, May through October. Reservations required for groups of 7 or more. Tents provide shade/seating, […]

Spicy Sign Stenciling Class

Tell City Regional Arts 1020 11th Street, Tell City, IN, United States

Join Shelly from Good Life Designs in our TCRA Classroom. $30 take home one 12x12 sign, several styles to choose from. Stencil on a spicy saying and decorate your front […]

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